Friday, August 16, 2013

It's been awhile...HEY

So, hello. It's been about oh...forever since I posted anything on here. A lot has happened.

Moved home.
Served mission.
Came home.

So only 3 major things that I can think of but that might be a lot to some people. Like me.

To start, I move home August 2011. Complicated story but sparing the details, I ended up turning my mission papers in in September 2011 and I got my call in October. Feb 22, 2012 I left to head to Kobe, Japan for 18 months. 

So, my mission...I don't know how to sum it up in one sentence or less but I will try. The most difficult (mentally and physically) thing I have ever done, but the most rewarding. Who ever said sisters serving missions was a wonderful land of unicorns and lollypops lied. And we all know where liars go. But anyway, my mission was so hard. Everyone asks me "OH! Sharlene! How was your mission?! How was Japan?!" and my first words are..."hard." Followed by "really rewarding." Because, let's face it, that is what missions are. Insanely hard to the point you are pretty sure either you or your companion are going to die that day, but when you stand back and look at all that happened and how much you grew, you realize how rewarding it was too. How many people you helped. How much you learned about the Savior and God's love for His children. Missions are the biggest way, I know, to build your testimony. They will break you down until all you have to build you up is God. And while that is a difficult spot to be in, it is also a life changing spot to be in. 

Am I glad I went? Yes. Did I feel like I was going to die sometimes? Big yes. Do I love God and Christ more than I ever thought I could? One million times yes. 

Missions are wonderful, you just better be prepared before you go.

So, now I am home. Someone told lies to all of us growing up. Someone said "OH, you'll come home and meet a special someone and fall in love and get married and it will all happen within 2 months of getting back! It'll be great!" LIE. Well, I guess it could still happen...but I am a realist and I've been home for a month now and it's not happening.

Something happened to America while I was gone. Dating became lame. I mean, people don't even talk to each other at church. Not even friendly conversation let a lone a "hey, do you want to do something Friday night?" There is none of that. It is all "hanging out" and "facebook me if you wanna do something!" What the junk? Call me old fashioned, but I am a girl, and I am never going to ask a guy on a date because that breaks all rules I have ever set for myself on dating. But having this "way of life," if you will, is not really working in this day and age. Guys don't ask girls out. It is so weird. I am not trying to be a hater, I promise, I just am really perplexed at the lack of dating and one on one dates and guys actively pursuing girls these days. I know I have only been home a month, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what is happening. 

Anyway, what I am trying to say, life after a mission is not all fairy-tails and rainbows. Not yet, at least. And it is frustrating. That is all I want to say.

Life, in general, is good though. I am so happy to be with my family and I enjoy every second of time I have with them. And I have a great job and time to do the things I want and need to do. It is really nice. I even have time to write a blog now. So stay tuned for hearing more about my life. I know you are all pensive on the edge of your seats. Settle down. 

Oh, and Duck Dynasty, anyone? Hello! Best thing that ever happened to American television. Hooked.


  1. So glad you returned home safely. Yes, missions are difficult but do allow you to grow, immensely.
    The truth in dating is sad also.
    Keep on truckin' You will get there.
    Give your mom a hug for us Snow's melting in Texas! Love you Sharlene!

  2. I'm so glad we "ran into" each other! I wish you the best of luck with the dating scene! I can't imagine trying to do it in this technologically-driven world! Keep your head up, YOUR Mr. Wonderful is out there being prepared for YOU! ;o)

    Thank you for sharing your heart, your honesty.

  3. I think you're funny. And I appreciate your words on missions. AMEN. Good luck with the post-mission roller coaster. I hope it doesn't last as long as mine did. However, even if it does, things work out to be unexpectedly awesome.
