Saturday, September 4, 2010

They Paved Paradise and Put Up A Parking Lot

Random times in my life, I get a craving for a particular song by the Counting Crows. From the title of this particular blog post, most of you can probably guess which song. It's often featured in movies where you see people's lives passing before them and they don't even stop to notice what they have.

The song is Big Yellow Taxi and I fell in love with it when I first heard it a few years back. If you've never heard it, here's the link below.

I had an inkling to listen to the song this morning. I don't feel like my life is passing before me at all though, I am really happy with life. Loving life, actually. Sometimes though, it's nice to have a reminder of all that you have and that you need to make the most of every second you have on this big, beautiful and crazy world.

Sometimes, life can get you down I suppose. I mean, we've all been there at one time or another but what if we all just remembered who we are and why were here in the first place? I am determined that if we all did that, the world wouldn't have half the problems it has.

I realize this probably sounds like a "World Peace!" speech and maybe it is, though I never really thought of myself as the type to get all feely goody about that.

World peace is a wonderful concept and maybe someday it will happen but as for right now, this is my message to people to just say: stop whatever you're doing. Look around you. Seize every opportunity you get because things change in the blink of an eye and you never know what you'll be faced with next. Take every opportunity to help those around you and love the people you meet. Learn their stories. Talk. Take time for the simple things. Do the right things. Live your life in a way that would make your mother and your mother's mother and your mother's mother's mother proud! Those people made you what you are! Don't let them down!

I am a firm believer that if you do what is right and take the opportunities you get in life, even if things aren't always perfect and blissful, you'll at least have the peace of mind that you've done your part in making the world around you better and lived your life to the fullest.